General Archives - Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News Leading Platform to uncover and showcase innovative and disruptive startups along with Tech news Mon, 05 Sep 2022 06:21:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 General Archives - Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News 32 32 Health Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs Mon, 05 Sep 2022 06:20:26 +0000 There’s nothing easy about being an entrepreneur. Not only do you have to be creative and come up with new ideas, but you also have to be passionate and driven to make them happen. And on top of all that, you have to keep yourself healthy enough to handle it all! That’s why today, we’re [...]

The post Health Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

There’s nothing easy about being an entrepreneur. Not only do you have to be creative and come up with new ideas, but you also have to be passionate and driven to make them happen. And on top of all that, you have to keep yourself healthy enough to handle it all! That’s why today, we’re taking a look at the health challenges faced by entrepreneurs. From stress and burnout to poor diet and lack of exercise, it’s all too easy to let your health fall by the wayside when you’re busy chasing your dreams. But if you want to be successful, you need to take care of yourself first. So check out our list of the top health challenges faced by entrepreneurs, and see how you can start overcoming them today!

The physical toll of entrepreneurship – Health challenges faced by entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. The long hours, constant stress and ongoing grind can take a serious toll on your physical health.

If you’re not careful, it’s easy to let your health fall by the wayside as you focus on growing your business. But if you want to be successful in the long run, it’s important to make your health a priority.

There are a number of physical health challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Here are some of the most common:

1. Lack of sleep: When you’re constantly thinking about your business, it can be hard to turn off your brain at night and get a good night’s sleep. This can lead to fatigue, which can impact your energy levels and productivity during the day.

2. Poor nutrition: When you’re busy working, it’s easy to grab quick and unhealthy meals on the go. This can lead to weight gain and other health problems over time.

3. Stress: The constant stress of running a business can take a toll on your mental and physical health. If not managed properly, stress can lead to anxiety, depression and other serious health problems.

4. Sedentary lifestyle: Spending long hours sitting at a desk can lead to weight gain, back pain and other health problems. It’s important to make time for exercise and staying active even when you’re busy with work.

The mental and emotional challenges of being an entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, you constantly face new challenges and obstacles. It can be a very stressful and demanding lifestyle. You may feel like you have to be “on” all the time, and that can take a toll on your mental and emotional health.

Here are some of the most common mental and emotional challenges faced by entrepreneurs:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Depression
  • Burnout
  • Loneliness and isolation
  • Relationship problems

The importance of maintaining a work-life balance

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the all-consuming nature of your work. With long hours, constant demands and a never-ending to-do list, it can be difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

But it’s important to remember that your physical and mental health are just as important as your business goals. When you’re running your own business, it’s vital to make time for yourself and your loved ones, and to find ways to manage stress.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be able to take care of your business. Here are some tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance as an entrepreneur:

  1. Set realistic goals for yourself and your business.
  2. Make time for activities that reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  3. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.
  4. Stay connected with family and friends.
  5. Take breaks when you need them, and make sure to get enough sleep!

The challenges of managing finances as an entrepreneur

One of the most difficult aspects of being an entrepreneur is managing your finances. This can be a challenge for a number of reasons, including the fact that you may not have a regular income, you may have to reinvest a lot of your money back into your business, and you may have to take risks with your money that you wouldn’t take if you were working for someone else.

Here are some tips for managing your finances as an entrepreneur:

  1. Make a budget and stick to it. This is important for all businesses, but it’s especially important for entrepreneurs because you may not have a regular income. When making your budget, be sure to account for both your expected income and your expected expenses.
  2. Invest in yourself. One of the best things you can do for your business is invest in yourself. This includes taking courses, attending conferences, and networking with other entrepreneurs. Not only will this help you learn more about running a successful business, but it will also help you meet potential customers and partners.
  3. Save money when you can. It’s important to reinvest money back into your business, but it’s also important to save money when you can. This way, you’ll have some cushion in case of unexpected expenses or dips in revenue.
  4. Be willing to take risks. In order to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to be willing to take risks with your money. This includes investing in new products or services, hiring new employees, and expanding into new markets

The need for a strong support network

Entrepreneurs often face unique challenges when it comes to their health. They are often so busy working on their businesses that they do not have time to take care of themselves. This can lead to a number of health problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, and even burnout.

It is important for entrepreneurs to have a strong support network to help them through these challenges. This support network can include family, friends, therapist, and even other entrepreneurs. Having someone to talk to who understands the challenges you are facing can be invaluable.

The difficulty of making time for personal and professional development

Both personal and professional development are important for entrepreneurs, but it can be difficult to find the time for both. Personal development may include things like going to the gym, getting enough sleep, and eating a healthy diet, while professional development may include things like attending conferences and networking events.

There are a few ways to make time for both personal and professional development. First, try batching activities. For example, if you know you have a networking event and a doctor’s appointment in the same week, try to schedule other activities around those two events. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Another way to make time for both personal and professional development is to delegate or outsource some of your work. This will free up some time in your schedule so that you can focus on your own development. Finally, try to be efficient with your time. Make sure you’re using your time wisely and not wasting it on activities that don’t contribute to your development.

The importance of taking care of your health

As an entrepreneur, it’s easy to get caught up in the juggle of work, family and social commitments. With so much on your plate, your own health can often take a backseat. However, it’s important to remember that your health is your most valuable asset and if you don’t take care of it, you won’t be able to perform at your best.

There are a number of health challenges faced by entrepreneurs – from stress and anxiety to burnout and insomnia. If left unchecked, these issues can lead to more serious problems down the line. That’s why it’s so important to make your health a priority and take steps to prevent or manage these challenges.

Here are some of the most common health challenges faced by entrepreneurs and some tips on how to deal with them:

Stress and anxiety: Stress is a normal part of life, but for entrepreneurs it can often reach unhealthy levels. This can lead to anxiety, which can in turn impact your sleep, energy levels and overall wellbeing. It’s important to find ways to manage your stress levels so they don’t get out of control. Some stress-busting tips include exercise, relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation, and spending time in nature.

Burnout: Burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion that can be caused by prolonged stress. It’s characterized by feelings of overwhelming fatigue, cynicism and detachment from work. If you think you might be suffering from burnout, it’s important to see a doctor or mental health professional so you can get back on track.

Insomnia: Trouble sleeping is common among entrepreneurs due to the high levels of stress and anxiety that come with the territory. If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep or stay asleep at night, there are a few things you can do to improve the situation. These include establishing a regular sleep schedule, cutting back on caffeine and avoiding screen time in the hours leading up to bedtime.

In order to thrive as an entrepreneur, it’s essential that you take care of your health – both physical and mental. By being proactive about managing the common health challenges faced by entrepreneurs, you can protect your most valuable asset – yourself!

The challenge of dealing with failure

One of the biggest health challenges faced by entrepreneurs is dealing with failure. Entrepreneurs are constantly taking risks, and sometimes those risks don’t pay off. When an entrepreneur experiences a setback, it can be difficult to pick yourself up and keep going.

It’s important to remember that failure is not the end of the road. It’s simply a part of the journey. If you let it, failure can teach you valuable lessons that will help you succeed in the future. The key is to Dustin Mitchell never give up on your dreams and to learn from your mistakes.

The stress of always being ‘on’

As an entrepreneur, you are always ‘on’. You are always thinking about your business, even when you’re supposed to be relaxing or spending time with family and friends. This can lead to a lot of stress, which can have a negative impact on your health.

Some of the health challenges faced by entrepreneurs due to stress include:

  • Insomnia
  • Digestive problems
  • migraines
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Heart disease

The importance of self-care

As an entrepreneur, you are constantly juggling a million different balls. You’re responsible for the success of your business, which means that you often put your own needs on the back burner. However, it’s important to remember that your health is just as important as your business. Here are some of the most common health challenges faced by entrepreneurs and why self-care is so important.

One of the most common health challenges faced by entrepreneurs is burnout. When you’re constantly putting your business first, it’s easy to lose sight of your personal life and wellbeing. This can lead to burnout, which is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, cynicism, and detachment from work. If you’re dealing with burnout, it’s important to take some time for yourself and focus on your physical and mental health.

Another common health challenge faced by entrepreneurs is stress. Stress can have a serious impact on your physical and mental health, and it’s often magnified when you’re running a business. If you’re feeling stressed, it’s important to find healthy ways to cope, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time with loved ones.

These are just a few of the many health challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Remember, it’s important to prioritize your own wellbeing in order to be successful in business.

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The post Health Challenges Faced by Entrepreneurs appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

15 Fun Games To Play On Facetime Sat, 28 Aug 2021 12:09:09 +0000 The pandemic has inevitably changed the way we socialize. A social gathering with friends and family, a friendly reunion at a local pub, a date night at a favourite restaurant seems to be a thing of the past now. They’re continuing to replace Zoom meetings, video calls on WhatsApp, and Facetime. But it’s bound to get [...]

The post 15 Fun Games To Play On Facetime appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

The pandemic has inevitably changed the way we socialize. A social gathering with friends and family, a friendly reunion at a local pub, a date night at a favourite restaurant seems to be a thing of the past now. They’re continuing to replace Zoom meetings, video calls on WhatsApp, and Facetime. But it’s bound to get monotonous over time. How long can a group of people go on with just watching each other on tiny boxes on a mobile screen? So, here’s a fun list of games to play on Facetime that is sure to enliven your digital meet-ups.

15 Fun Games To Play On Facetime

A list of games to play on Facetime:

1) Charades

This classic party game is the first on the list of games to play on Facetime. It’s simple to learn and easy to play. Since the game has heavy resources, it’s not all that hard to adapt it to a digital format. Charades are the ultimate test of compatibility like it’s always been.

How to play:

The rules are fairly similar to the original version. You’ll first need to divide yourselves into teams of two and decide on a topic. For instance, if the topic was movies, the first team decides on a movie and messages it to one of the members of the opposite team. This person will then try to act the movie and hopefully make his/ her teammate guess the film within a specified time period. This cycle continues as the second team suggests a movie to the first. Whichever team gets the most answers correct is declared the winner and wins the ultimate bragging rights.

2) Pictionary

Like Charades, Pictionary is a cakewalk to get started off with because it only needs a piece of paper and a pen. Contrary to popular belief, you need not have to be good at drawing in order to play this game. It’s more about imagination and lateral thinking and hence makes for a great facetime game. 

To make up for the fact that you aren’t going to be seeing your teammates in real life, you can always draw the clues on a piece of paper and hold them in front of the camera. In case you think it’s cumbersome, you can always use a web application like, where an algorithm takes care of sorting out the clues and points of the contestants. You could also end up installing the Houseparty application on your phone, which comes with a wide variety of games, including Pictionary.

How to use

Log into the webpage and pick a character of your choosing. When it’s your turn to draw, pick one word from a choice of three. Start drawing using the picture board present on the screen. Your friends try to guess the word within a specified time period, usually a minute. You’re awarded points based on the number of people that got the answer right. The same rule applies when you’re trying to guess an answer. The quicker you guess an answer correctly, the higher are the points you secure. Whoever scores the maximum points after the end of all the rounds is declared the winner. 

3) 20 questions

20 Questions is a popular facetime game to many who’re looking for games to play on Facetime. While it was primarily played during a laborious, long drive, it’s now being taken over by Zoom or Cisco WebEx.

How to play?

The objective of the game is trying to make others guess the object or a person by only having them asking yes/no questions. Whoever uses the least number of questions to get to the person or object wins. So, for instance, if the personality is Steve Jobs, you’d probably start off with the gender of the person. Then, move into their field of work and whatever demographic they cater to. You can then fixate on a specific niche and see if that takes you closer to the answer. 

4) Two Truths and A Lie 

Akin to the other games mentioned in the list, this game can also be played on Facetime, thanks to its simplistic gameplay. The rules are pretty straightforward. Every playing member comes up with three statements about themselves, out of which two are true, and one is false. The rest of the participants try to guess the wrong statement. Try to remember to maintain the same tone when listing down all the statements. But you can always throw your fellow participants off by intentionally deviating from the tone while stating something that is, in fact, true. 

Two Truths and A Lie is a fun way to know people around you. It’s light-hearted, exciting, and always helps to loosen up people and get rid of their social inhibitions. 

5) Would you rather?

‘Would you Rather?’ is a great example of a fun game to play with friends over Facetime. It can serve as a great ice-breaking activity, especially when working with large groups of unfamiliar people. 

How to play?

As the same suggests, the game’s objective is to present two options to a person and see what they end up picking. You can then tell them what you’d have picked and have a conversation about why they chose the specific option. 

For instance, you can ask them, “Would you rather stay in and get cozy with a book or go out and party with friends on the weekend?”. This answer reveals a lot about someone’s personality. The questions can get progressively absurd to make things more fun once you’re both comfortable with each other.

In case you can’t think of any questions on your own, there are a number of websites on the Internet that offer to help. ‘Would you rather?’ works great for first dates when you’re trying to find more about your date without coming across as too intrusive.

6) Geoguessr 

Geoguessr is a relatively new addition to this list of games to play on Facetime. A significant amount of resources might be required for this and will take time to get used to. But, if you were a major geography nerd in school, this is the perfect activity for you. 

How to play?

You’ll first need to create an account on Geoguessr. Once you’ve logged in, there are multiple options to choose from. Country streak is probably the easiest mode for beginners.

The game will show you a satellite picture of a place, and the objective is to determine what country it could be. Use the arrows on the screen to navigate and look out for any clues that might indicate its location. Signboards, license plates of cars, flags are the obvious ones. Once you’ve figured out the country, click on the map on the right bottom corner of the screen and choose the right place. 

Once you’ve mastered this mode, you can then move on to the distance battle. Here, you’re not only required to guess the country but pinpoint the exact location of the country. The closer you are, the more points you earn. 

Geoguessr also offers a real-time online battle mode where you fight against other players trying to guess the place. However, you will need a premium account to enjoy this feature. You can only play a single game per day with a free account. 

Tips to perfect your game 

  • Look out for which side the cars are driving. You can then start eliminating countries based on whether it’s right-hand drive or left-hand drive. 
  • Try to pick up scripts and languages. It’s a valuable trick that helps you narrow down to a few countries. For instance, if you’re looking at the Cyrillic alphabet, you’re likely to be in Russia, Bulgaria, or Ukraine. 
  • Pay attention to the street signs. Some of them are extremely specific to a region or a country. In Brazil, the roads usually have a prefix of the state. So, if you see RJ on one of the signs, you’re likely to be in Rio de Janeiro. 
  • Be on the lookout for any mentions of email addresses on shop fronts or trucks. They’re usually specific to a particular country. 

While all of this sounds like a lot of effort for a game, it actually does get easier as and when you play.

7) Cards against Humanity 

Cards against Humanity markets itself as a game for horrible people. Originally a card game, it involves choosing the most offensive card in response to a prompt. Unlike other games, Cards against Humanity incentivizes being inappropriate. 

Fortunately, they now have an online version that you can play with friends on Facetime. So, get ready for an outrageously fun session with your besties.

8) Psych 

Psych is a ridiculously fun game to play with your friends. It consists of participants trying to come up with fake answers to an actual trivia question. 

You can get points by two methods- by either choosing the right answer to the question or by fooling your fellow participants into choosing the answer that you’ve entered. The one with the maximum points at the end of a stipulated number of rounds wins. 

Be mindful of the fact that it is a freemium game. So, you’ll need to pay actual money to unlock more features. Some of the other categories include “And the truth comes out,” where there is no real answer, and “Movie buff,” where you’re required to describe the plot of a movie as creatively as possible. 

9) Never Have I Ever 

Though originally a bar game played over multiple shots of alcohol, this game can easily adapt into a format that you can play over Facetime or Zoom

The shots are replaced with a show of hands. Like the original game, one person states something that they’ve never done before. Like, for example, “Never have I ever flown out of the country”. Those that have raised their hands and the format continues on.

The fun with Never have I Ever lies in the question that progressively gets raunchier. You begin to slowly realize that your somewhat decent friend may not be one after all. It combines the spontaneity of Truth or Dares with the insight that Two Truths and a Lie offers. 

10) Battleship 

Battleship for years has been the gold standard of a fun, easy to play strategy board game. The great thing about Battleship is that you don’t need to own the board game to play. A pen and a piece of paper should do. This aspect makes it a great option to play over a video call. 

How to play?

The objective of the game is to sink your opponent’s ships before they sink yours. There are essentially five different types of ships. They are: 

  • Aircraft carrier- occupies 5 spaces 
  • Battleship- occupies 4 spaces 
  • Cruiser- occupies 3 spaces 
  • Submarine- also occupies 3 spaces 
  • Destroyer- occupies 2 spaces 

You place these ships over your field in any manner you please, either vertically or horizontally. Some prefer to stick to the edges of the board, but others prefer the center to throw off their opponents. 

Once you’re both done placing your ships on the board, you start calling out positions from the battlefield. Your opponent will tell you if it was a hit or a miss. You get to continue until a miss. Once you get a guess wrong, your opponent switches to calling out positions and so on and so forth. The first one to destroy all the ships is declared the champion. 

In case you’re confused about designing a grid, there are multiple websites from where you can find a pre-made grid. You can just take a printout of it and use it as a reference for all your games. 

11) Complete the story 

The game is fairly self-explanatory. Creativity and spontaneity are put to the test in this activity. The rules are pretty simple. You start off with a single line, and the next person continues the story by adding another line and so on. There aren’t any limitations to the number of participants. 

What makes this game so enticing is that the story can change in an instant. What starts off as a heart-warming story of star-crossed lovers could soon transform into horror when they get locked up in an abandoned building or a frantic thriller where they’re desperately trying to escape from the clutches of a serial killer. It’s almost impossible to predict how the story will end. 

12) What if?

This game also requires loads of creativity. The entire game hinges on coming up with imaginary scenarios like being shipwrecked alone on an island or being the only survivor of a fatal air crash. 

What If?‘ offers a rare opportunity to insert yourself into situations that you’re unlikely to face in real life. You also end up getting an insight into how someone’s mind functions in the time of a crisis, even if it’s something that’s heavily simulated. 

13) Last Letter 

This road-trip favorite can also be played over Facetime, thanks to the less/no resources required to play the same. It’s something that is likely to appeal to everyone irrespective of how old they are. 

How to play?

You’ll first need to pick a category. This category could be something broad like places or something relatively specific like scientists. 

Assuming that the topic was scientists, the first person would probably call out Albert Einstein. The next person will need to think of a scientist whose name starts from the last letter of whatever the person before them said (n in this case). This continues until one person is unable to guess another person/object that belongs to the predetermined category.

14) What’s missing?

If you’re someone who takes pride in your ability to memorize things, then this is definitely the game for you. Grab about 9-10 objects from your room and place them in front of your laptop or computer screen. Make sure that the objects can be seen clearly by your opponent. 

Once you’ve ensured that all the objects are visible, ask them to take a close look at all of them. Start a timer and give them a minute or so. After this, ask them to close their eyes and remove one object from the bundle of stuff in front of them. 

Your opponent scores a point if they correctly guess the object you removed. Next, the roles switch, and you’ll be the one guessing the objects. You can make things progressively harder by shortening the duration of time that each of you gets to take a close look at the objects. 

15) Sell it to me 

Sell it to me is a classic improv game that is the benchmark of spontaneity. You’re given a seemingly random object, and it’s up to you to pitch the product in a manner that appeals to everyone on the video call. 

Once you’re done pitching the product, your friends will need to give you a score out of 10 based on how convinced they were by the product pitch. These scores are tabulated, and the one with the most points at the end of all the pitches wins. He/she will get to enjoy the fruits of their labor and get the title of a master salesman. 


So, that was a nearly exhaustive list of the games to play on Facetime. These games are more important given the current situation. Two truths and lies, Charades, and Complete the story, are all excellent options if you don’t want to spend money or your precious time on resources. But, if you’re willing to, then try giving games like Geoguessr a try. Either way, there’s loads of fun waiting for you! 

The post 15 Fun Games To Play On Facetime appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

Mila App: Find your Perfect Dating Partner with Compatibility Twist Wed, 09 Jun 2021 04:51:48 +0000 Mila is a modern matchmaking and online dating app with a ‘positive’ twist. What gives this app a positive twist is its firm resolve that it tries to find dates based on ‘compatibility’ and not random things. With ‘compatibility match-making’ being its main USP, this app tries to pave way for meaningful & enduring relation, [...]

The post Mila App: Find your Perfect Dating Partner with Compatibility Twist appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.


Mila is a modern matchmaking and online dating app with a ‘positive’ twist. What gives this app a positive twist is its firm resolve that it tries to find dates based on ‘compatibility’ and not random things. With ‘compatibility match-making’ being its main USP, this app tries to pave way for meaningful & enduring relation, which is rarely associated with an online dating app. Although this may sound a little cliché, Mila is actually seeking to redefine and overhaul the online dating scenario.

Please note that this app is available for download on both Android & iOS platforms.

Features of Mila Online Dating App

Intelligent Matchmaking:

At the heart of this dating app is a sharp and ingenious algorithm that precisely tries to calculate the compatibility traits of potential couples. As a result, this app spares you from toxic and frustrating relationships that only harm your life. Its super-efficient algorithm equally tries to protect you from meaningless flings. Mila, in other words, is a platform that is dedicated to intelligent matchmaking and allows people to find relationships that are truly enduring and long-lasting.

Offers compatibility score to make matchmaking easy:

Mila not only factors compatibility based on different traits but also simplifies it. The latter especially helps in making compatibility incredibly simple. The app offers compatibility scores of potential dating partners at four different levels. These levels are as follows:

  • Personality and Values
  • Physical Attraction
  • Emotional Compatibility
  • Health and Wellness

One only needs to check out the compatibility score with different partners and preferably pick the one with the highest score. The entire process is a cakewalk and effortless.

Have a meaningful conversation with your potential date:

Get over the mundane small talks that can easily throttle even your best dating chance. On Mila app, the only conversation that takes place is a real one. Mila’s slew of features like messaging, phone calls, and even video chatting gives you the luxury to know your dating partner before you decide to jump the ship. More importantly,  the app allows for safe and secure chat, which means that whatever you converse remains between you and your partner.

Simple and Interactive Interface:

Finding a dating partner on the Mila app is an uncomplicated affair and the great part of this credit goes to its extremely simple interface. You don’t have to take assistance from the ‘FAQs’ and  ‘help’ sections to operate this app. This app’s simple design makes everything self-explanatory. As a result, people can go about finding their partners in a hassle-free way.

This app is also very conversational by nature, which further adds to this app’s overall immersive experience.


Mila may just be the kind of dating app that can compel people to repose their faith in online dating. Which is often maligned for all the negative things. Its stress on compatibility factor and an immersive UI can help Mila in giving a positive twist to the online dating scenario. More importantly, this app is trying to amend things when pandemic has made finding a date a daunting task.

The post Mila App: Find your Perfect Dating Partner with Compatibility Twist appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

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Equity vs Equality: What is the difference? Thu, 13 May 2021 09:23:29 +0000 If you think that equity and equality are synonyms, then you’re not alone. Opening a dictionary wouldn’t help either. Merriam-Webster defines equitable as “dealing equally with all concerned” and equal as “of the same measure, amount or quantity”. However, the reality is much different. The equity vs equality debate is central to issues like poverty [...]

The post Equity vs Equality: What is the difference? appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

If you think that equity and equality are synonyms, then you’re not alone. Opening a dictionary wouldn’t help either. Merriam-Webster defines equitable as “dealing equally with all concerned” and equal as “of the same measure, amount or quantity”. However, the reality is much different. The equity vs equality debate is central to issues like poverty and economic disparity. Understanding the fundamental difference can help us work towards a future where all lives are deemed equal. 

Equity vs Equality: What is the difference?

Equity vs Equality: The all-important difference

Equality means providing everyone with the exact same amount of resources irrespective of whether everyone needs them or not. This doesn’t take into consideration the resources an individual might already possess.

Equity, on the other hand, is sharing of resources based on what an individual needs. This takes into account that while one person may not need something, another person may be in dire need of the said resource. Sharing of resources tries to bridge the existing inequalities holistically. 

Let’s take the case of the health department of a fictional city deciding to distribute hand sanitizers to all the inhabitants. Equality would suggest that all inhabitants get sanitizers irrespective of their financial status. Equity would suggest that the impoverished should be handed the sanitizers first and then think about the more endowed communities in the city. This ensures that the people who need the resource get it first. If the same resource had been handed down to everybody, the chances are that some sections would never have gotten around to using it since they already had a surplus to begin with.

So, to summarize, equality is group-focused and generic, while equity is individual-focused and adaptable. 


Why is it important to know the difference between equity vs equality?

Despite the fact that equity and equality mean different things, they actually go hand-in-hand. One cannot achieve equality without enforcing equity. This means that for us to move towards a world where everything is fair and just, we need to start thinking about distributing resources more equitably. 

For instance, consider the Black Lives Matter movement. It ascertains that while lives matter equally, it’s important for communities that have been historically stripped of privileges to get a slightly bigger share of the pie. The only way of achieving the outcome of all lives being treated equally in the future is by ensuring that black lives are protected and supported in an equitable manner today.

The same logic can be extrapolated to issues stemming from inequalities in gender, economic status, education, and sexual orientation. We cannot close the gender pay gap without tackling the inequality caused by men considering themselves to be more valuable. Similarly, poverty can be brought to an end only by treating all people equitably. 

So, it seems pertinent to take a closer look at the different spheres of society, right from healthcare to schools and education where the principles of equity can be applied.


Equity in a classroom

Equity starts right from a classroom where students, future legislators are advocated for its benefits. Educational equity means that every student is given the resources they need to perform well. Equity in education has two important dimensions to it. They are 

  1. Fairness– Making sure that circumstances, social or personal have no bearing on the education of a child. It aims to prohibit discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status.
  2. Inclusion– Ensures a basic minimum standard education for all.

Take the case of a local governmental body deciding to give away laptops to schools across the district. Equality would suggest that all schools receive the same number of laptops. It doesn’t consider how many working laptops a school already owns and therefore how many it may actually need. 

Equity would recommend a distribution system that ensures that the schools that need the laptops the most get first preference. This decision can be key in a district with a significant number of high-risk communities. Statistics show that more than 60% of disadvantaged students come from financially backward communities. There’s also the very real risk of losing talented educators too.

While poverty remains the major barrier to educational equity, some of the other barriers include:

  • Family crises- unfortunate accidents, chronic debilitating diseases, etc
  • Mental health issues- depression, low self-esteem, anxiety among others 
  • Lack of healthcare- exorbitant health systems, lack of insurance
  • Homelessness
  • Language barriers


Does practicing equity in a classroom yield any benefits?

Equitable classrooms ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed regardless of their backgrounds. The benefits of an inclusive classroom extend to privileged students too. As the scores of disadvantaged students improve, the scores of others improve too. This creates an environment of compassion and co-dependence where all students are prepared to help each other out. 

In addition, it’s been reported that a child’s socio-emotional development can be positively impacted by equitable learning. They’ve also been linked to better health and higher than average lifespans. 


Creating an inclusive classroom using the principles of equity 

  • Understanding the difference between equity and equality is the first and foremost step towards building an inclusive environment.
  • Be aware that every child is unique and have different needs 
  • Cultivate an environment where every student is encouraged to speak up and voice out their opinion. Make them feel that their thoughts are important and have been heard respectfully.
  • Try to involve parents and ask them to volunteer in school events
  • Promote equity training programs for other teachers, so they’re aware of healthy methods to resolve barriers
  • Add activities that involve every student in the classroom


Equity in the workplace

Equity in a workplace means every worker receives fair treatment and has equal access to opportunities. Practicing equity can be advantageous to both the employers and the employer. 

Here’s how: 

  1. Motivation– The opportunities afforded by an equitable workplace give employees much-needed zeal to achieve. When people believe that their work will be rewarded with bonuses or promotions in a fair and just manner, they work harder, and the company ends up reaping the benefits.

  2. Employee retention– When employees believe that their future in the company is insured, there are fewer chances of them moving to a different company. This means that a business is relieved of expenses in finding new talent and training them.

  3. Attracting talent– Recruitment of the right people for the right job becomes easier in an environment that fosters workplace equity. When word starts spreading around, the business naturally attracts the best talent.

  4. Diversity matters– An equitable workplace boasts of people from different social strata working together towards a common goal. This diversity means more experiences and more perspectives at solving a problem at hand.

  5. Enhanced bottom line– A work culture that has a diverse group of employees, draws top talent and retains accomplished workers can have a favorable effect on a company’s bottom line. High morale among employees can have a direct relation to better performance in the stock market and thus better returns to investors. 


 Creating a more inclusive workplace:

  • Initiate inclusion initiatives and organize sensitization programs
  • Create resource groups for employees for them to able to connect and share their experiences and learnings
  • Include a salary range for all postings
  • Try to offer accommodation facilities for employees with disabilities or mental health needs.


Equity in healthcare 

Yet another important domain where equity can be enforced is in the field of wellness and healthcare. The principle of equity ensures that everyone has the chance to be as healthy as they can. The barriers to health equity are:

  • Racial inequalities 
  • Educational status 
  • Income and wealth gaps 
  • Homelessness and unsafe environment 

Health equality may not always be preferable. If a hospital offers free health checkups on Tuesdays every week, only individuals that are only free on Tuesdays can avail of such services. On the other hand, health equity would offer alternative checkup times so everyone can access the service on a day that suits them. The same example can be extended to free services to all sections of the community vs addressing the needs of the impoverished. 


Practices that can promote health equity: 

  • Organizing seminars to raise awareness about issues that are specific to the needs of the racial groups or ethnic communities
  • Providing subsidized healthcare services to low-income families 
  • Offering flexibility in appointments and health checkups so that people who work long hours can also have equal access to healthcare services.


What can you as a layman do to achieve equity? 

Start by educating yourself about the major inequalities in the world and understanding the impact they can have on you and your community. Research social issues, read news from around the world, try speaking to activists. A second perspective always helps. But, most importantly, demand equity every step along the way. 



Equity and equality are often seen to mean the same thing. But, fundamentally, they’re two different schools of thought. They look at sharing of resources from two differing perspectives. While equality is group-focused and insists that everyone receives the same amount of resources, equity argues that resources need to be shared, keeping in mind the needs of different stakeholders. The key to a future built upon the values of equality is practicing equitable distribution of resources today.

The post Equity vs Equality: What is the difference? appeared first on Platform to Showcase Innovative Startups and Tech News.

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